Hackathon definition

Gemeint ist damit eine Entwicklungsveranstaltung für Software und Hardware. While working on a particular project, the idea is for each developer to have the ability and freedom to work on whatever. Hackathon : Einfach mal herumspinnen. Le mot hackathon désigne un événement durant lequel des groupes de développeurs volontaires se réunissent pendant une période de temps donnée afin de travailler sur des projets de programmation informatique en mode collaboratif.

Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache.

Das Wichtigste im Überblick. You can run workshops to introduce participants to the subject of the hackathon or to particular technical skills useful for the hackathon. Choose your workshop leaders carefully. Workshops should be interactive as much as possible. A hackathon , also known as a codefest, is a social coding event that brings computer programmers and other interested people together to improve upon or build a new software program.

A hackathon went on throughout, with teams of developers working through the night to produce apps based on ideas submitted by the public. To cut or chop with repeated and irregular blows: hacked down the saplings. To make or shape by hitt.

UNITED ARTISTS, THE ONION, AND THE VIRTUAL GAMING CENTER PERSENT: THE HOUR HACKATHON ! HACKERS (the fast-paced cyberpunk thriller opens in theaters September 15th), we are giving away a some great prizes! So to spread the wor I decided to write an article about it. Chaque projet proposé doit être accepté par les participants pour être traité. Les porteurs de projets retenus. Ved korte arrangementer er det ofte set, at deltagerne ikke sover, men arbejder igennem hele natten.

Das Motto wird dabei vom Veranstalter vorgegeben. Die besten Teams werden mit Preisen belohnt. Participants usually work in small groups over a couple of days. The goal is to come up with a prototype or proposal at the end of the hackathon to present in front of a panel of. Récemment le hackathon de Salesforce organisé lors de son événement Dreamforce a fait parler de lui, à la fois parce que la récompenses était inégalée (million de dollars) mais aussi.

Noun (plural hackathons) 1. An event where programmers meet for collaborative computer programming. What does hackathon mean? Definition of hackathon in the Definitions.

Information and translations of hackathon in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Powered by Deutsche Telekom!

Le terme hackathon est la contraction des mots Hacking et Marathon. Cherchez hackathon et beaucoup d’autres mots dans le dictionnaire de définitions en anglais de Reverso. Having company employees come in and work all night under the guise of innovation and opportunity with little or not reward to ones self for the sole purpose of benefiting the company.

Please join us in our hackathon next. Leben gerufen – um aus Herausforderungen Chancen zu machen! Studierende, Berufseinsteiger, Young Professionals, Innovatoren und alle Energie-Begeisterten mit unterschiedlichsten Profilen und Kompetenzen. Benefits of hackathons. They’re especially good tools to stimulate the creative and problem-solving juices of developers.

Unlike their day jobs where risk-taking may be frowned upon, in a hackathon there is a low cost of failure. We also define hackathons through practice. There has been a recent trend of events that arguably deviate from our historically accepted definition and therefore beg the question – do we need a different word (or words) to describe these other, hackathon -like events? Having a clear definition of your hackathon event (style, processes, objectives, awards) is key for its success.

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