Clash of clans war weight calculator

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Finde ‪Calculator Weight‬! War weight is a big deal in the Clash of Clans world. It influences the matchmaking system in Clan Wars.

The matchmaking system will try to match your clan with another clan having similar strength or war weight. Overall clan weight is the combined weight of each base. Each base has it’s own war weight number that represents the base strength. The war weight info used to be great and I basically designed my base around the war weight calculator on the clash king site. Many in our clan had too, and we won war after war, probably win ratio, and would put up double digit win streaks from time to time.

Clash of clans war weight calculator

Since the new matchup algorithm came in, we’re barely. Clan war weight in Clash of Clans tells you exactly how much your base and army is “valued” in clan wars. Higher level troops and defenses will lead to a higher war weight! Some buildings and troops are worth more than others though, which is where the clan war weight calculator comes into play. How to weigh your village in Clan Wars The most accurate way.

Click on the button below to download the Clash of Clans Weight Calculator by raptor217. Microsoft Office Excels is required to open this file. My war weight calculator can be found here. Just make a copy of it, and test it out.

Clash of clans war weight calculator

It seems to be really damn accurate to my base, and I know the defensive buildings are right, however it does not have the new troops from the last update, and the new trap levels were estimated (low war weight anyways). War Weight ist in diesen Tagen ein großes Thema in Clash of Clans. Alles beginnt mit dem Matchmaking System für Clankriege.

Dieses System vergleicht Offensiv- und Defensivwerte und setzt euren Clan gegen einen gleich starken Gegnern. Jeder Spieler hat sein eigenes Kampfgewicht, welches sich aus eurer Offensiv- und Defensivstärke zusammensetzt und in einer Zahl ausdrückt. Upgrading any of these items increases their Weight. Hi guys I am trying to decide if I should go to thor not and the only way I can make this decision is to see how much war weight the town hall itself brings. Does anyone know of a good war weight calculator that I can use for this decision?

Clash of clans war weight calculator

OR B) A few random strangers on the Supercell forums, stating that the above should be taken with a pinch of salt, and not be trusted. Clash calculator , will help you to choice best troops, when playing clash of clans. You can compare troops and defenses for designing your strategies.

There is no hack and cheats in this game. You can use some tools only such as our builder, and pages. Extremely easy to use, it’s designed to automatically calculate everything for you. It impacts the matchmaking framework in Clan Wars.

The matchmaking framework will attempt to coordinate your faction with another group having comparable quality or war weight. Ultimate guide for clash of clans , almost like hacks or cheats!


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